Blockdox is thrilled to announce a new strategic partnership with Iris-GmbH, leaders in 3D sensor technology and advancements in public transportation.
The primary challenge facing transport operators and managers is obtaining a precise and reliable measurement of real-time passenger demand.BlockDox’s intelligent mobility brand, PassengerCount helps rail and bus operators with key analytics and insights for a range of operational reasons including optimising boarding/alighting times, managing crowding and disruption management. Now powered by Iris’s high-precision sensors, PassengerCount reliably measures passenger footfall on trains and buses in real time.
Combining advanced technologies, Iris’s sensors provide an efficient tool for precise passenger counting. Sensors are fitted with reliable time-of-flight technology, allowing public transport companies to automatically count passengers. Thus, transport performance can be accurately documented, and revenue determined based on performance. Used by train and buses’ companies across three continents, Iris has established a solid reputation, continuously exporting Germany’s technological consistency and precision worldwide.To learn more visit: